Functions of the Board of Directors:
Its functions Include:
1. Proposing the society budget.
2. Preparing the agenda of the general assembly.
3. Proposing the general policy of the society within the mentioned above objectives, and submit that proposed policy to the general assembly to endorse it.
4. To propose the internal regulations of the society and to organize its work.
5. To form the committees and the specialized groups to perform certain tasks and activities for the society.
6. Preparation of annual report on the society activity, and to pass it to the societies council after being endorsed by the general assembly.
7. Determination of the annual subscriptions of the members.
8. To approve performing studies and researches.
9. To approve holding symposiums, curses and seminars according to the related rules followed by the commission.
10. Accepting the endowments, donations, grants and aids.
11. Following up the execution of the decisions of the scientific health societies council.
12. To elect the chairman of the board of directors and his deputy and the treasurer.
The Tasks of the Chairman of the Board of Directors:
1. The elected chairman of the society, who is the chairman of board of directors of the society, shall assume the following tasks:
2. The general management of the society and to chair its meetings.
3. Decides the agenda of the board of directors.
4. Calls the general assembly for meeting.
5. Signs the papers that contain financial obligations or moral responsibilities.
6. Represents the society where required.
7. Represents the society before the others, and to act on its behalf in communication with official or non-official entities in the Kingdom and outside of it.
The Task of the Board Chairman Deputy:
Assists chairman and to perform his duties in case he is absent and in such occasions to shall have all the authorities of the chairman.
The Tasks of the Board of Directors Secretary:
1. Assists the chairman in the management of the society, and to prepare the meeting’s agenda and to forward it to the chairman for approval.
2. To prepare the society annual report and forwards it the chairman for approval.
3. Writes the minutes of the board meetings, and those of the general assembly, and record them in their specified registers.
4. Supervises the members register, and the meetings minutes register.
1. To receive the subscriptions and the related financial payments of the society.
2. Pays the amounts that ought to be paid by the society.
3. To sign the internal papers.
4. To deposit the society funds in one of the banks inside the city where the society is located, and shall sign together with the chairman on the payment orders.
5. Prepares the annual report on the society budget and after it is revised by the chartered accountant, he shall submit it the board to approve it, then to general assembly.
To preserve the society financial record, and to be responsible for it.
Strategic Plan for the Saudi Society for Clinical Chemistry:
“Download” Strategic Plan for the Saudi Society for Clinical Chemistry 2021-2022 (arabic)
Basic bylaw of the Saudi Society for Clinical Chemistry:
“Download” Basic bylaw of the Saudi Society for Clinical Chemistry (arabic)
Administrative Structure of for the Saudi Society for Clinical Chemistry
“Download” Administrative Structure of for the Saudi Society for Clinical Chemistry (Arabic/ English)
The Board of Directors approved the formation of below committees:
- Scientific Committee.
- Organizing Committee.
- Media Committee.
- Scientific Research Committee.